Dear Community,

Imagine being homeless, sick, and alone and wanting with all your heart, to change your life, but not knowing where to go, who to talk to, how to start.... No matter what conditions contribute to how people end up homeless, whether lack of affordable housing; addiction; escape from abuse; mental illness; job loss; or loss of homes to fire and other ways, it's a problem that affects us all.

The good news is that as we're learning more about homelessness, we're also learning about how to mitigate it. SoHum Housing Opportunities is actively addressing our homelessness problem every day, but to continue making progress, we need your help.

We have resumed efforts for obtaining property to establish a transitional emergency shelter that will lead to a tiny homes community. We have seen that in towns where people have adequate low-income housing, and aren't having to sleep on the streets and wooded areas, crime goes down and there is much less litter, panhandling, loitering and trash, and the town becomes a more inviting place for all of us, including tourists, low-income workers and people of all incomes.

Together with funding from government grants, foundation help, and our community, we can achieve this goal. Please give whatever you can afford today, and join us in being that helping hand.

Thank you so much.


Patte Rae - President

March 2024

SoHum Housing Opportunities

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