Happy New Year!
Originally Written December 28, 2023
Dear So Hum Community,
(SHO) SoHum Housing Opportunity would like to share our progress regarding transitional housing / a local safe camp.
What SHO is proposing for our community is an alternative to street living and camping in the woods.
Our mission is that SHO is committed to the idea that adequate shelter for all benefits the whole community. Our mission is to explore all options for creating this, including transitional housing villages; safe, legal camping; and eventually permanent housing.
It has been shown that communities who provide Safe Camp transitional housing models demonstrate that it facilitates efficient access to resources and consistency of care for clients. This increases successful transition to permanent housing. To learn about our history please check out : www.sohumhousing.org
Our web page will help our community better understand SHO’s work since 2018. Go to: Take Action/How to Help to sign up for volunteering. A few hours donated can make a big difference in our work.
SHO is applying for the California Interagency Council on Homeless Encampment Resolution grant to purchase property and fund 3 years to create and operate a transitional housing emergency shelter. The first phase will provide 10 secured sleeping areas and 5 car-camp spaces.
The three years will also allow developing the infrastructure for a self-sustaining, staff-supported Safe Camp Community. Also provided are spaces for houseless travelers to be able to camp in a secured area, for a limited time to access services and help them along their way.
We have the support of our Supervisor, Michelle Bushnell, County, and States Reps. Along with multiple community organizations. All realize the importance of creating a Safe Camp Community in So Humboldt.
SHO recognizes that many of the unhoused in our community are locals, this is their home, many have lived here several years if not most of their life. We need to start somewhere and this seems like the most logical first step. Since COVID-19, outreach workers from RRHC, SHO and the County have provided food and services to our homeless. Now we need a place where the unhoused can live in the transition of moving to permanent housing.
SHO also recognizes that not all of our unhoused will want to live in transitional housing. Other options will be: written permission from the owners of the land they are camped on or assistance to relocate to another area.
Once we have this transitional sheltering in place for health and fire safety there will not be random camping in the woods or street living.
Additionally, my New Year’s wish is to find 3 additional board members with expertise in 1) Grant writing 2) Fundraising 3) Volunteer coordinator. This would round off our board nicely. If you have these skills, let’s talk.
In the short term:
Depending on the funding and finding the right property to begin, a possible short term solution is a Safe Camp. SHO envisions a space providing shelter such as tents, basic sanitation services including a clean water source, toilets, safe cooking facilities.
Ideally this Safe Camp is self-governed with minimal staffing and oversight required. It will encourage a sense of community.
It will be a place of respite for our unhoused neighbors and will serve as an access point to support services. It is a starting point for an individual or family to feel safe to assess and determine their next steps and service needed to meet their goals.
A local Safe Camp community provides Peace Officers and business owners a safe space referral for shelter other than sleeping on the streets and in camps.
A reminder that this is a community effort. Together we are creating solutions to help our community be safe, clean and prosperous.
Thank you, SHO appreciates this opportunity to update our community and share our work.
Patte Rae, SHO President