Board of Directors

  • Patte Rae: President/Interim Program Manager

    A retired nurse of 50 years who was a co-founder that organized the non profit Jah Med, a medical response crew of 120 that covers festivals and events, (1996-2015). Enjoying second part of her life being involved with local emergency preparedness (SHARC-Southern Humboldt Amateur Radio Club/SHEPT-Southern Humboldt Emergency Preparedness Team/OES/Red Cross) She is using her skills to collaborate with others to create a safe camp community in Southern Humboldt.

  • Tami Moore: Vice President/Social Media

    Multigenerational , indigenious and local business woman. She cares about her community and the people that live here in Southern Humboldt.

  • Caryn Surber: Treasurer/Finances

    Our treasured treasurer. Owner of Caryn’s Bookkeeping, serving our local community for 35 years. A heart of gold.

  • Leonor (Leo) Gualchi: Secretary / Social Media

    A degree in Behavioral Health, working on her Master’s. She has a work history as an addiction and recovery counselor. Her passion is helping the unhoused.

  • Babette Bach: Board Member/Food Security

    Former Culinary Chef who devoted 6 years at Healy Senior Center procuring food, and managing the kitchen. Now newly retired and promoted to full time grandma, along with her SHO and Mateel Community Center board duties, she is keeping her days filled up.

  • Jay Moller: Board Member/Legal

    Acclaimed local lawyer who used his skills to save the last of the old growth Redwoods in the Sinkyone Wilderness.

  • Christy Watson: Board Member/ Fundraising

    Raised in this community and gives back by volunteering in various service clubs and community activities. Full of sunshine that she shares with everyone.

  • Diana Copithorne: Board Member/Web Design/Fundraising

    Born and raised in Southern Humboldt, Diana has a background in working with non profits in the UK and US. Diana’s love for her home community contributes to her dedication of creating community revitalization.