SHO Community Update

SHO is involved with assisting unhoused people who have camps set up in the woods in two major phases. The first phase is short term emergency sheltering leading to being housed, the second phase is aimed at long term housing solutions.  

Phase 1: Now that we have received the ERF (Encampment Resolution Funding) monies, we will look to have an in-depth collaboration with Redwoods Rural Health Center. Combining our efforts to help get people camping in the woods into permanent housing / shelter.   

Our immediate work is creating a state funded transitional housing facility in Garberville. The first of its kind in the area. People currently living in the camps will be vetted, allowing 15 local unsheltered at a time to be in a program designed to transition to permanent housing.  All eligible residents will be provided case management services and referred to available resources in So Hum or other parts of the county.  When our facility is up and running, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, in partnership with local outreach agencies, will begin relocating folks in the camps to an environment safer for all.   

This is how I suggest we can proceed.  The end goal is clearing the camps for fire, safety and public health reasons.  This allows us to offer safe alternatives for our local unsheltered and encourages non locals (transients) to find help elsewhere. Our local resources are limited and stretched thin.  

Phase 2 : The recent encampment fires in Redway has made SHO’s mission feel all the more urgent. SHO’s plan / goal of creating a safe camp / micro house village as a new socio-economic community within So Hum has moved up on SHO’s priority list, creating space for those who like to live in a safe environment with more freedom than typical housing.   

SHO will encourage cottage industries that supports the residents to move in the direction of self-sufficiency with guidance and minimal oversight, allowing them to reintegrate with the community.  

SHO has identified a couple of properties for a safe camp/Interim housing/micro house community. We continue to search for financial support to develop this plan of a safe camp village. The revitalization of our community depends on us all to once more pull together to create a space that is unique to So Hum.  

The generous ERF grant from the State for transitional housing that SHO received has created a strong start to assist those left in the encampments. Out of the original 220 count a few years ago, the 70 or so (an approximate number) that are still here are the more difficult to place in housing due to various barriers and a reluctance to be in housing versus outside living or leaving So Hum.  SHO stepped up to lead this effort and we look forward to working together with others in the community who share our vision.  

Additionally, SHO is supportive of the Garberville Grange coming back to life after this three-year housing program. Historically, Granges have been the anchor of rural communities. It will provide a commercial kitchen and meeting space to rent at a reasonable cost to cover expenses.   

I look forward to input on what has been proposed. Please send comments and ideas to our website or by emailing    

We are all in this together.  

Patte Rae, President  

SoHum Housing Opportunities   


SHO Community Auction 2024!


Seeds of Change